Monday, October 27, 2008

Wedding anniversary

Yesterday was another one of my "firsts" - our wedding anniversary, and the first one ever that we did not, will not be able to spend together. I think I talked with him a whole lot more during that day, than I have any day since his death. I made cookies (something he would have enjoyed) and had a glass-and-a-half of wine with dinner. And cried. Now I really know the meaning, the feeling, of “bittersweet tears”. Bitter, because he is gone and I am alone. Sweet, the memories. Happy anniversary, baby. You are loved... and terribly, awfully missed.


Mary said...

Dear Jessica,
I didn't know that you'd stopped by my Blogger blog and just now saw your comment. What a hard day, isn't it? I can certainly identify with your emotions: definitely bittersweet. But you did it, and I know Greg would have been proud of you.

Luanne said...

Happy Anniversary Jessica.
Such a bitter sweet day for you I'm sure.
Our anniversary came 6 months and one week after my husband died. It would have been our 25th. Several of our friends celebrated their 25th that same year so it was like an arrow through my heart everytime one of them celebrated, so I certainly can feel your pain on this day.
You've made it over another hurdle. Hope you can celebrate the victory.

Many Blessings,

Janine said...

I am thinking of you.

jessica said...

Thank you to my "sorority sisters" - this club that requires a steep cost to join. It is heart-warming to know that you stop in and read the blog occasionally. *HUGS* back to you all!