Friday, October 1, 2010

Autumn color

It must be very tedious to see these same-ol' same-ol' autumn color pix on various blogs. Sorry... I cannot help myself. The color is so much better if you'll click on the individual photos to make 'em bigger.

Yesterday (Thursday) was an absolutely, knock-down gorgeous day, weather-wise and color-wise. I grabbed L's camera (since I have lazily "forgotten" to charge my camera up recently), snapping photos on the way to town (about a half-hour drive), and then a few more on the way back. Leaves were beginning to fall already, and with cooler nights ahead, more of 'em would be following their fallen comrades. So there was no time for delaying the photo op!

This tall yellow-leaved tree is standing behind L's old Toyota Tundra pickup.If you enlarge the photo, you will see a tiny little white orb near the top of the tree, on the left side. It's the moon, trying to peek out through that beautiful blue sky!

This was the view I had when I headed down the driveway Thursday morning. Nature can brighten your mood, can't she?

Color, color everywhere. I took another photo... Just a bend to the left in the road, but so much more, on a bright and sunny fall day.

I'll leave you with this, another bend - to the right this time...

1 comment:

The Retired One said...

I can never get enough autumn photos. I have been a crazy lady getting as many as I can this year.
Unfortunately, now all of our leaves are off and the branches are bare already!